Studying abroad with a Physical Disability

For those that don’t know me, I’m Amber. A week and a half before I had to leave the states to go on a trip of a lifetime, I accidentally injured my left knee, severely. As a result of that, the possibility of me going on the study abroad trip wasn’t looking that good. After annoying several different medical professionals, I was given the green light to do this Shakespearean infused adventure.

The group and I have been through a lot in the past two weeks. I might have not been able to do as much as I have without the help of my professors and classmates. They have offered me help whenever I could need help. Sometimes I take it and other times I don’t (even thought I should, in all actuality, take it). This brings to mind the one point I want to give to whoever reads this: know your own limitations. If you think you can do it then attempt it, but don’t hurt yourself more while doing so. Two instances of this happening to me so far had completely different results. The first instance was that I bent my knee too far and hurt myself a little more. It was embarrassing being it was such a simple task (just going over a taller threshold of a room). After that little incident, I learned my own limitations since it put me out of commission for the rest of the day. It just sucked because there was so much more that I could have done that day, but after that I couldn’t do much. The other instance was when we went to a show. There was no possible way for me to both sit in the seat properly (without any pain) and for two people behind me to be able to see the play that we saw that day. So, after seeing me struggle for a minute or so, one of my friends asked the usher if there was a way for me to get a different seat. There was a different seat, and in doing so, I got a seat much closer to the stage than I was at originally. By accepting the fact that there was no way for me to fit in that seat, I was able to get a great opportunity of seeing the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead just a few feet away from the stage!

It’s the little things that could get you stumped if you’re used to doing those tasks by yourself for a long time. You just have to deal with it and keep moving. Like I’ve already said, try it if you can but still know your limitations at the same time.



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